What is chicory root? It’s a part of a plant that comes from the dandelion family, known for its purple-blue flowers. It’s native to France, but grows all over the United States and other parts of Europe, South Africa, and Australia. Lately, much of the well-deserved hype chicory root has garnered is due to its laundry list of purported health benefits, Not to mention that its deliciously toasty, earthy flavor is reminiscent of, and therefore an apt replacement for, coffee. Unsurprisingly, chicory root has been used for centuries for both culinary and medicinal purposes. To begin, chicory is composed of nearly 70 percent inulin by weight, which is a type of fiber. (Read: it’s really good for you.) Inulin acts as a prebiotic, meaning it feeds your gut’s beneficial bacteria. This bacteria boosts your body’s immune system and anti-inflammatory response, in addition to helping you absorb vitamins and minerals. The inulin in chicory has also been shown to bolster your sensitivity to insulin and assist in your body’s carbohydrate metabolism, meaning it helps your body convert carbs into energy efficiently. And for those looking to lower their caffeine intake, chicory root is a smart substitute for (or addition to) coffee. New Orleans popularized this practice during both the Civil War, when trade was disrupted and shipments from coffee-producing countries were impacted by the war. The root’s bold flavor profile and color both resemble coffee, yet it contains zero grams of caffeine. The famous Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans still serves its café au lait with chicory, and you may have noticed it sneaking into your cold brew coffee to give it that je ne sais quoi.